Dianic Tradition is a Goddess and female-centered spirituality revived by author and feminist activist Zsuzsanna Budapest in the early 1970’s. At its core are female rites and mysteries combined with the gynocentric cult of the Great Mother, practices of modern witchcraft and feminist politics.

Females mysteries are physical and psychological experiences and rites of passage belonging to women’s lives, their celebration honour the ways in which female bodies inform women’s diverse life experiences. Dianic tradition was revived to empower women by asserting that, as the physical embodiment of the Goddess – the life force present in all things, they are sacred, and their rites of passage are a birthright.

Dianic rituals involve bodywork, chants, dances, energy and magical practices, all through the awareness of women as manifestation of the Great Mother, and include celebrating and honoring the physical, emotional and spiritual passages of female life. Dianics celebrate the mythic cycle of the Goddess in the earth’s seasonal transitions of birth, death and regeneration, also manifesting in women’s life cycles and passages. Women’s wombs are the living metaphor of the Divine creative potential and thus the very source of their creative power, and even if a woman has had a hysterectomy or is postmenopausal, the power of her womb will continue to carry within her the energetic potential of its creativity.

Inspired by the ancient cosmology of the Goddess, wherein She draws Herself out of Herself in the original act of creation, many women embrace the metaphor of spiritually giving birth to themselves and each other. Within Dianic rites, the focus is on each woman’s own experience, opinions, ideas, and feelings, giving the opportunity to discover their true selves, apart from the constraints of males and patriarchal culture. By recognizing the effects and influences of patriarchal culture on women’s life Dianic Tradition provide a spiritual path that can help women to heal and re-gain their own sacred sovereignty.
By prioritizing female-only space, whether in ritual or daily life, many women are able to find their center and explore their own truths.

Dianic women envision and strive to create a world where the Web of Life, which includes all living things, is honored and respected as sacred manifestation of the Goddess Herself. 

online mentoring program

This is a female-only mentoring program in the Dianic Tradition providing theoretical and practical fundamental knowledge for both solitary and group practice.