Dianics believe and worship the Great Mother of ten thousand names, conceived as the ‘Cosmic Womb’, the primordial creative Matrix. She created Herself through parthenogenesis thus emanating all terrestrial and galactic life forms from the center of Her spiral-self.

Diana is considered the icon-Goddess of Dianic Tradition, originally worshipped by the pre-Roman people of Italy, Her name comes from the Proto Indo-European dyeu-, meaning ‘to shine/to give off light’ and the Latin words deus ‘divine’ and dies ‘(light of the) day’. She is Goddess of all aspects of life and existence, and Light as matrix of being. Later, when hellenized and syncretized with the greek Goddess Artemis, She is mostly identified as Goddess of the moon, hunting and wild nature.

Diana posseses an eternal virginity, to be interpreted as being whole unto Herself and self-sovereignty, She is commonly depicted wearing a short light tunic, accompained by hunting dogs or a stag and holding a bow and arrows and/or a torch.

In the ancient religion of Italics and in the Mediterranean area, Diana is a Sovereignty Goddess, the One who presides over life and death. Cicero defines Her as Lucifera, ‘bringer of light’, Horace invokes her as Virgin of mountains and forests and as triformis, ‘three-shapes/forms’ , identified as the three phases of the moon: Full moon – the moon in its manifested creative life force – new moon – death and transformation – and waxing moon – symbol of rebirth.
In Her original form Diana is strongly connected to the Light of the Sun, made of divinity and bringer of life, truth and enlightment.

online course

This course provides theoretical and practical knowledge to develop a spiritual path of dedication to the Light-bringer Goddess Diana, learn about Herstory, manifestations and integrate Her energies, and divine inspiration, of Wholeness, Truth and Sovereignty.